Money is just a tool.

How we use money impacts our everyday lives and our future. I believe as we learn how to properly use money, we’ll create room for more. From savings to spending, to investing and giving, there's a process to it all. In my most recent YouTube video, I discuss how money is just a tool. It serves a unique purpose and should be handled with intention. You make the money so it is your responsibility to tell your money what to do and where to go. The four ways to use money as a tool are:

  1. Saving

  2. Spending

  3. Investing

  4. Giving 

Watch the video below for a breakdown of each category, learn how to use money as a tool, and discover how critical it is to have balance within your finances.


No more sad looking savings accounts: how to save money.


10 Money Lessons I Wish I Learned Earlier